July - September 2023

          Welcome, dear ones!

          The summer has passed by and we are already close to the middle of autumn. The events at Casa Ray and Casa Tatiana are taking place with such speed and "flow" that with long delays the information reaches you.

          At the beginning of July in Romania, some very unpleasant situations were discovered in some nursing homes, so strict controls were imposed throughout the country for all institutions that offer social services to the elderly and children, so we were also "visited" by 12 people from 6 institutions, who asked us for hundreds of documents and imposed dozens of measures to implement. This explains the super crowded period that followed and is still not over.

          In addition to the controls, we are still in the process of obtaining the license at Casa Tatiana, as well as a lot of documents for building expansion, ISU authorizations, sanitary reauthorizations etc.

          We are looking forward to the day when we say: "Today we have no document to prepare", but that day is probably part of a fairy tale :)

          So, briefly, schematically, I will present to you what happened "At home"”.

          In the months of July, August and September we had eight young ones that flew from our nest, yes, you see, EIGHT, our house remained empty L Elena, Cristina, Ciprian, Ioan, Vasile, Madalin, Dumitrita and Nicu there are those who chose to walk further on their own feet. They finished a certain form of education and chose to move on. Some of them are employed, some of them will continue their studies.

          They got a law favorable to them, they have substantial financial aid from the state, up to the age of 26, if they leave the Protection System and get a job or a full-time education. From here we understand their decision to leave the system, in order to benefit from this opportunity, which the other children who left the home in all the years since we were founded, did not have a chance. We hope that the education they received and everything they learned during these years spent with us, will accompany them throughout their lives and lead them only on good paths. May God be their guide in everything.(pictures 1-3)

          “In their place" we received from Child Protection 3 other children, three brothers named Ramona(14years old), Dumitrita(13 years old) and Andrei(11 years old). They are orphaned by their father, and their mother constantly neglected them and their other 4 siblings. Ramona, even though she is 14 years old, has never been to school, she will have to recover all the school years lost so far. May God guide them all and change their life courses in a positive direction. Their attitude has already changed in these 3 months since they have been with us, a fact that makes us happy.(pictures 4,5)

-We were visited: from America, Ray with his wife,(picture 6)

  • From Germany Andreas, Dan and Claudia, (picture 7)
  • From Bacau, LiviuRusu,(picture 7)
  • FromSalaj, Ovidiuand Tatiana, a couple who offered to volunteer for a week, helping us with very useful things,(picture 8)
  • From Ireland (Romania) Cristian, a child raised at our home, who also invited us to his civil wedding,(picture 9)
  • from Piatra Neamt, a group of high school volunteers, who brought the children some supplies,(picture 10)

- The children went: to a camp with tents at LaculRosu (those over 14), together with about 30 other young people from Piatra Neamt,(pictures11-15)

  • at an anniversary music concert of the Speranta group (30 years),(picture 16)
  • at a "night barbecue" Jorganized at a different location than our home” (picture 17)
  • at a day camp organized by the Baptist church, for 3 consecutive days, (picture 18)
  • on a special day organized by the Pentecostal Church on the occasion of "Children's Day” (picture 19)
  • in a weekend camp in Suceava, together with young people from other centers,(picture 20)
  • some of the girls went and helped in the kitchen on the occasion of a wedding,(picture 21)
  • at the Mall for a few hours of entertainment,(picture 22)
  • to buy clothes,(picture 23)
  • to visit their sisters from another home (Linguraru brothers),(picture 24)
  • In September, I went to the Black Sea with all the children. Out of all 20 beneficiaries, only two had been to the sea before, for 18 of them it was the first time in their life when they tasted this experience. It was hard, great responsibility, but beautiful.(pictures 25 – 29)
  • back to school :),(picture 30)

-We achieved/did/executed:

  • identity cards for 3 girls, and for Ramona including a birth certificate,(picture 31)
  • an outdoor movie night,(picture 32)
  • bird cleaning,(picture 33)
  • small maintenance repairs,(pictures 34,35)
  • new cages for rabbits,(picture 36)
  • new furniture at Casa Tatiana,(picture 37)
  • new shelves for the 2 pantries,(pictures 38,39)
  • themed weeks on vacation,(picture 40)
  • the food block has been renovated, the equipment is still to come,(picture 41)
  • we obtained sanitary permits for both houses,
  • we collected fodder for the animals,(picture 42)
  • we maintained the vegetable garden and the greenhouse, receiving the reward back, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, onions, beans, pumpkins etc.(pictures 43,44)

We had birthdays: (picture 45)

  • Gheorghe,
  • Vasile,
  • Mirabela
  • Dumitrita,
  • Gabriela,
  • Laura,

We faced:

  • A short storm that broke several trees in the orchard, demolished a wall, damaged part of the greenhouse, (picture 46)
  • Some piglets got sick, some even died, we were told that we gave them food with too much protein,
  • The need to hire new people for Casa Tatiana: two ladies for the day shift, two gentlemen for the night shift,(picture 47)
  • Minimum wages in the economy have increased,
  • Father Mihai has health problems, please support us in prayer for him.

We have been blessed with:

  • an almost new minibus for cargo; it will replace the old minibus from 1995,(picture 48)
  • a good production of birds,(picture 49)
  • a healthy batch of turkeys and chicks,(picture 49)
  • We were blessed with ALL the necessities!(picture 50)

        We thank God for everything and all those who are close to us!



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